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Olbermann: Sen. Ted Kennedy’s Health Care Legacy, The Cause of His Life Continues Despite GOP Fibulators

If anyone has fought for good health care for all it was Senator Ted Kennedy. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT joins Keith to discuss how the passing of Sen. Kennedy will affect the process of health care reform, without him, it will be missing
it’s largest supporter.

Senator Kennedy called health care for all “The cause of my life.” Unlike comfortable representatives, who feel the poor should take care of themselves, ask their neighbors, as we learned in a recent town hall, or settle for catch as catch can, Senator Kennedy recently stated that every American should have the same quality of care that their representatives enjoy as a right of citizenship, now!

Many may be unaware that he was a tireless warrior who helped bring about some programs now taken for granted: Medicaid, Medicare, The Americans With Disabilities Act, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Nutrition programs, Title Nine enabling women equal access to playing sports, and reform of the Integration and Nationalities Act, which arbitrarily limited numbers of certain nationalities who could enter.

His committee, now led by Chris Dodd has a bill with a public option. It will increase community health centers, place emphasis on prevention, and provide your doctor of choice, dental benefits, and low cost medications. The only thing
lacking is a ‘Death Panel”This is better than many private insurance companies offer. Now passed by senate health committee, you can well guess who is standing on the train tracks of progress. The Republican finance committee is dragging their feet, and dusting off their filibuster arguments. Dust all you wish, the Democrats have the numbers to pass this without your blessings, they were simply living in an ideal world where it could be called bi-partisan. President Obama says he will “do it for Teddy.” I hope he is right.