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Phil Robertson on ISIS, convert them or kill them, Hannity

“Convert them or Kill them.” Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson on the Christian answer to ISIS.

Phil Robertson convert or killIt was good to learn right off the bat here that Father Phil takes his Bible and his Wife wherever he goes!

Remember the basis of the Christian Inquisition? Anyone? Remember who Torquemada was? No…

I wonder how Phil will kill them? Behead them? After all Phil does sponsor a line of what looks to be the same knives the ISIS beheader uses. I know that because there is no other celebrity face more ubiquitous on the shelves of Walmart that Phil Robertson.

Shopping at Walmart is much like my move down here to Texas so long ago. In just a few moments I felt better about myself than I had in years. Not only did my relative intelligence and appearance soar, but I have saved hundreds of dollars by no longer needing to buy self help books. I am already at the top of the game.

So here we have Sean Hannity and Phil Robertson – the intellectual wing of cable news – completely missing the point that they are playing the same disgusting religious card as ISIS. Though in their defense Ann Coulter – who is very much smarter than either one of them – has said the same thing about killing or converting all Muslim leaders. So perhaps it is not so much a SMART / DUMB thing as it is a GOOD / EVIL thing?

ISIS is playing the same hand Osama bin Laden did on 911. Rile up the nitwits in America to coerce them into stepping in the trap so deep they make matters much worse for not only millions of innocent people in the Middle East but for themselves as well.

Though this time it does not seem to be working. Seems there is at least one person in the White House who wants to think it out rather than gut it out. This time it is the same Republicans and the same media who screwed it up last time taking the bait.

I often wonder if the world did not assume the United States would step in and bomb / war away their problems if perhaps the nations most affected would take care of things themselves. You know, the same conservative ideal that Republicans apply to poor and working class Americans here at home.