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Rafael Cruz compares President Obama to Hitler and beyond

rafael Cruz lunaticHow did Ted Cruz come to be such a Right-wing lunatic? Here are are some clues from his father, political preacher Rafael Cruz.

“Let’s look, for example, at the behavioral consequences of these two foundations [atheism and secular humanism]. Well, if there is nothing, if there is no God, then we are ruled by our instincts.”

The classic case of a false conclusion pulled out of his ass. No sir, if there is no God then we are ruled by our INTELLECT. And of course the constitution which our Deist Founding Fathers made sure free from religion.

Next we have this exchange!

“There is no moral absolute, which means we operate by situational ethics which unfortunately is something being taught in every high school in America. That right and wrong depends on the situation. In other words, it’s a moral relativism. Because atheists believe in doing whatever they want, and if there are no moral absolutes, then there will be nothing but moral anarchy. Do we know any politicians that have done that?”

“Hitler!” sGunbag Larry Pratt, leader of Gun Owners of America which makes the NRA look liberal.

“Oh, we don’t have to go that far, Larry. Just go to Washington. Just go to the White House.”

So President Obama is the same as Hitler. Why does than not surprise me? Obamacare is no different than slavery says Sarah Palin. But here we have the coup de grace:

“Of course, this leads us, when there are no moral absolutes leads us to sexual immorality, leads us to sexual abuse, leads us to perversion and, of course, no hope. No hope!”

The classic example of being so profoundly wrong it’s time to be shoveled back into the clown car to hit the road back to Sillyville. Two words, Catholic Clergy.

Imagine having this kind of crap pounded into you for 40 years. No wonder Ted Cruz is the leading Right-wing lunatic and Tea Party Ugly of the Senate, or on Earth for that matter.

Have your read your Ten Commandments lately? Number two is a real show stopper. Especially when we have Republicans nailing it up inside every courtroom they can get away with it.

2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

So it’s not Ted’s fault. It’s the fault of his great great grandfather, his great grandfather, his grandfather and his father. So give silly little Ted some tea and sympathy. He has already had more than enough of Daddy’s Koolaid.