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Samantha Bee, Kris Kobach’s fraudulent voter fraud commission

Samantha Bee, Kris Kobach's fraudulent voter fraud commission

Samantha Bee, Kris Kobach's fraudulent voter fraud commission“We will probably never know the answer to that question.” Kris Kobach chairman of President Trump’s election integrity commission explaining that Hillary’s popular vote win by 2.9 million votes is “absolutely in doubt.”

So Donald Trump tells us that he won the popular vote and the 2.9 million votes that Hillary beat him by were made by illegal voters. That is certifiably crazy crap from a conspiracy buffoon. [Just the other day Roger Stone said that Donald Trump is a Truther who believes 911 was in inside job].

So President Trump looks for a suckup lackey to prove this conspiracy theory. He knows to go into heart of rural America to find someone fked up enough to take the job. He finds Republican Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to do his conspiracy work for him. Kobach a talk radio host and birther conspiracy wonk turned politician.

It has not been going well for Mr Kobach with “states rights” Republican states screaming the loudest and calling him names. 45 states have refused to cooperate and the remaining 5 just haven’s said anything yet.

The big picture here is that this is just another brick in the wall confirming that Donald Trump cares only about himself, his name, his family and gives not two shits about America or the people in it.

When The Donald goes down what will all these die hard surrogates do who have sold their souls to this clown? There just are not enough jobs at Fox News and talk radio for all of them.  Even Russia and Poland cannot take that many refugees. In fact Russia and Poland don’t take any refugees.