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Senator Tom Colburn expects White Riots on Immigration order

“The country’s going to go nuts, because they’re going to see it [immigration executive order] as a move outside the authority of the president, and it’s going to be a very serious situation. You’re going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. … You could see violence.” Republican Senator Tom Colburn.

Tom Colburn expects white riotingGee, I hope they don’t burn down Santa Barbara and Kennebunkport.

Tom Colburn is OKAY and a very reasonable man! After all, he is from the only state that has not a smidgen of blue anywhere in it – though they do have surries and fringes – and he consistently gets 100% ratings from every Right-wing organization is what am.  But you see, he does not drool so he’s cool.

You see? The Republican anger out there in the streets – that may lead to white people rioting, burning, looting and killing – will be about the nuances of the legality of Constitutional executive orders – which both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush not only used more than President Obama, but have used more regarding immigration. They will be rioting because they ARE NOT STUPID.

You see? It’s not about the President being a different color than their own presidents who have cone worse by this. And neither is it about the invasion of off color Mexicans replacing all our hot dog stands with with taco trucks. In fact Republicans have even managed to give ‘racism’ a softer gentler name with ‘nativism.’ How that works with American Indians I am not too sure.

Which reminds me. Republicans who want to change the name of the Washington Redskins raise your hands. Okay, both of you can put your hands down now. Oh? Neither of you understood the question? It’s okay no one got it on video anyway.