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Stephen Colbert Kicks Fox News on Education Conspiracy Silliness

Preach Stephen Preach! 

You do understand that this really isn’t Americorp that Republicans like Laura Ingrahm find so hideous. It’s GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS.

They used to be called public schools. Our system of public education has since Ronald Reagan became President, become the driving force of turning America into a totalitarian socialist state. m and the tool to arrive at socialist totalitarianism. It is what home schooling and vouchers are all about. Liberals teaching our children about evolution, climate change and worst of all, about people and places faraway that are different than we are.

On that long long list of socialist institutions on the march in America, Government Schools rank at the very top, transcending even the communism inherent in police departments, fire houses, state universities, libraries, museums, roads, parks, beaches and of course the Marines.

You know, if everyone was REQUIRED (strapped down in a chair with their eyelids forced open) to watch just one evening of Fox News or listen to just one afternoon of Rush Limbaugh, the GOP would not be withering away, it would be long and buried.