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Stephen Colbert Sticks it to Hypocrite Rand Paul

hypocrite rand paulSure Rand Paul has been more all over the map on Syria and war than The President, but that is not the real story here.

Rand Paul got a jump start to the Senate using his father’s national organization and is now the darling of the Libertarian Right-wing. The danger is not that the Libertarians and the Tea Party sees him as a God, but that the young, what we call the Millennials, are attracted to him for his anti war stands. Please keep in mind that his anti war stands have nothing to do with any form of altruism, but encompass his anti diplomacy, anti United Nations, anti foreign aid and anti involvement in the outside world.

This is not to even mention that he is a rabid pro life Evangelical Christian creationist who wants to destroy public education, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Workman;s Comp, food stamps and Head Start to name just a few.. And of course no regulations at all on guns, the environment, banking, Wall Street, and he even says he would not have voted for the Civil Rights Act. Hotels and restaurants should have the freedom and liberty to deny NWORD food, water, a place to sleep or take a crap.

And like his father before him he has learned how to avoid the questions of his bigotry and intolerance with the ubiquitous quip, “I would leave that for the states to decide.”

His popularity with the young is indeed frightening, but their is a bright side. If Rand Paul does manage to win the GOP GOP presidential nomination as many believe he will, it could end in a bigger win for Democrats than the 1964 Johnson Goldwater election.

Keep in mind who his most likely pick for VP would be?  Ted Cruz or Mike Lee.