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Stupid George W Bush Photoshops

“Bring unto me the little children and I will put down my gun long enough to beat the crap out of them.” Jesus of America

Stupid George W Bush PhotoshopsThis collage of photoshopped politicians goes beyond George W Bush and the GOP to include a few extremely hated Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

The GOP is the party of religious intolerance, sexual, ethnic and racial bigotry, anti-science, guns, war, executions, violence, bankers, selfishness, callousness and not to forget corporal punishment. Which begs the question, why would anyone who makes under $100k a year vote for the nasty old a wholes?

The answer to that has been well covered over the past week or so. BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS VOTED REPUBLICAN. Which seems to be the top cultural driver in human nature.

I was somewhat surprised this weekend seeing so many liberal black pundits come to the defense of whooping kids. This form of violence goes beyond politics, and like executions, bomb runs, and most especially the guns, it is what most defines what it means to be an American.