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Superbowl Porn Sunday, Ron Jeremy agrees with Pastor Craig Gross

This is the modern day equivalent of ‘The Odd Couple,’ although it’s disconcerting to see prom star Ron Jeremy speaking (mostly) in agreement with groovy grungy Pastor Craig Gross of the XXXChurch. You may remember this is the optimistic soul who feels that Superbowl Sunday is the perfect kick-off time for his anti-prom program, consisting of videos of repentant football players. It promises to be a real pew-filler.

The road to peace, love and understanding forks where Gross claims all prom is bad – based upon his own ‘research.’ Not surprisingly, Jeremy sees positive aspects to his life’s work, and has the ability to see that many legal substances and activities are only harmful when they become addictive and detrimental to the user and their families.