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Ta-Nehisi Coates asks for Reparations, Stephen Colbert

Ta-Nehisi Coates reparations What with Republicans gaining seats in the House and more than likely taking over the Senate come November, this is sure to be on their docket.

But not so fast, there may be common ground here.  Let me look something up.

A one way ticket from Houston to Monrovia, Liberia is $2300. With I would guess large discounts for a charter flight for 40 million passengers or so we could get the cost down to $1000 a seat, that would be $40 billion dollars. Less than we spend on food stamps for these lazy leeches on our economy. This is doable!

And while I am solving America’s most pressing problem I can also gave the answer to fixing the Middle East.

We give Mississippi to Israel. All the white families we could invite to Texas and give them a median cost house of about $200,000. Times a million families would be about $200 billion or so. We spent that much a year on the Iraq War alone. The 35% Black population of Mississippi could stay put and undoubtedly do better with Israel than they do there now.

You are welcome.