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Tea Party, malignant tumor on the GOP, Wright

The Tea Party is not really a second head, or a malignant tumor on the GOP, sadly it has become the Republican Party. Fear of past and future Republican primaries has made it a requirement for even the most moderate and reasonable Republicans to always do the wrong thing. Make that always doing the stupid thing.

What are the three big issues of our time?   

Global Warming – Which is a matter of acceleration which Republicans refuse to accept not matter 99% of the world’s smart people PROVE it is real as everyday passes. Smart people even had to change the name to "climate change" because Americans are just too obtuse to understand that bigger storms and more snow is an outcome of warming. They think only in terms of THIS WEEK on MY BLOCK. Of course changing the name accomplished doodlysquat. The Tea Party will force both Houses of Congress to nix any legislation to fix the most pressing problem humans have thus far encountered on this planet. After all, Global Warming is a lie!  It is a myth! It is unAmerican! The Republican Bases is smarter than all the scientists in the world combined! Just look at Christine O’Donnell, Joe the Plumber, Sean Hannity! Nuke the whales!

Health Care Reform – Matters of life and death are to be decided by profit margins of insurance company board members who all have Cadillac policies, as to the Republicans voting on it and Tea Baggers on Medicare. The Tea Party defines any fair and reasonable Health Care Reform as SOCIALISM and FASCISM and will force the House of Representatives to repeal Health Care Reform, in the House it is already a done deal.

The Economy – The bottom line here is that we are, YES WE ARE, the least taxed industrialized nation on Earth and to survive we will have to increase taxes or go the way of Greece, Ireland and now Portugal. There is no other option, it has to be done whether Wall Street and Bankers hold their cash and our jobs us hostage or not. The Tea Party insures this will not happen, that the Bush Tax cuts will be made permanent in the election year of 2012. This too is a done deal.

So when the history books turn to the chapter of the Fall of American, the Tea Party will be part of the introduction. "And within a year of the selfish old bigots of the Tea Party movement taking control of the Republican Party, the American Dream turned into the American Nightmare. We are still removing the bodies from the streets after funding for schools, hospitals, police and jails dried up…