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Texas State Board of Education jumps onto the Islamophobic bandwagon

Our intolerant Christian Texas Board of Education could not pass up a belly flop into the Ground Zero Mosque / Burn the Koran controversy. They came out from under their rocks one last time to show the world just how stupid and intolerant we are down here in Dumbutt, Texas. WE’RE NUMBER 1! WE’RE NUMBER 1!

Just when you thought it was safe to send your children back to school to actually learn stuff, the State Board of Education once again has stuck their slimy hands into our schools. Board takes up books’ take on religion – Resolution up for vote next week alleges texts have pro-Islamic slant

We here at Kick! have documented how the SBOE has fought against evolution, Abraham Lincoln, unions, Mexicans, Thurgood Marshall, Cesar Chavez and of course the worst of the bunch, Thomas Jefferson. All these enemies of America replaced with Jerry Falwell, the John Birch Society, Phyllis Schlafly, the Sons of the Confederacy and so on.

But this Spring the Republican primaries cost a few of the Evangelical Fundamentalists on the board their seats including both their high decibel leaders Don McLeroy and Cynthia Dunbar pictured.

So what we have here is their last grasp. Which in this case is passing a law against text books that promote Islam to the determent of Christianity.  Of course no such text books could possibly make past Texas state lines, so there are no such text books in Texas. So as you can see this law really doesn’t matter, what matters is the principle of the thing! Showing off our religious intolerance to our children. You know, the high road.

These nitwits are complaining about two issues. The Crusades not being properly taught as the well meaning Christian diplomacy it was, and not enough finger pointing at Muslims who causing good American Christians to embrace slavery by selling them to us. And anyway, slavery wasn’t really that bad.

It’s all one big ugly compound word: Tea Party,  Sarah Palin, Cynthia Dunbar, Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle, New Gringrich, Don McLeroy talk radio, Fox News and above all the Republican Party.