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Video: Christine O’Donnell says masturbation is adultery so Stephen Colbert marries his hand

Christine O’Donnell so well represents the disconnect of Evangelical Fundamentalist religion from reality.

For if as she says – adultery and masturbation are equal in the eyes of God – then you may as well jump out of the shower and go screw every married woman you know. TONIGHT before its too late, let’s get going on this.

And besides that commandment did not apply men, it was about keeping married women under the control of men

You know, if thoughts and deeds are indeed equal, everyone is going to Hell. And adding to the horror of this Americanized version of this crap is that DEEDS and ACTS are meaningless, only the intensity of ones’ belief matter. That is unconscionable disgusting crap not from God, but from mindless boobs and boobettes.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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One last thing. Like Ann Coulter, Christine O’Donnell is over 40 and never been married. Remember earlier this Summer when Republican talk radio and Republican Fox News decided that Supreme Court nominee never married Elena Kagan must be a lesbian. And Sonia Sotomayor before that 

So why are not MSNBC and Democrats screeching about O’Donnell being a lesbian? It is just another in a long list of examples of… The ugly nature of the Beast.