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That SCIENCE GUY Bill Nye gets serious about parents teaching their children creationist crap

bill nye evolutionThe question I raise is whether or not teaching children that the basis of all live science is a lie and a hoax perpetrated by all professors, universities, colleges, museums, scientists and science related organizations who are not evangelical fundamentalists – is child abuse. To deny a child the overwhelming truth and the reality of life is unconscionable, and perhaps deserving of jail time.

Fat chance of that happening! Just the other day those white parents that let their 13 year old son die of a ruptured appendix because their religion told them prayer would solve the problem, got a few years probation. What would some black parents get for killing a child? The same people who gave these murderers probation would be screaming for execution or life without parole. The back of this fundamentalist religious crap has to be broken here in America so we can FOLLOW the rest of the civilized world into a viable future.

Other than some places in Africa and some of the theocracies in the Middle East, 47% of Americans believe that the Earth is 6000 years old (we are even behind IRAN in this), and the majority disbelieve evolution. Including high school teachers.

For the full story Daily News Bill Nye evolution debate.