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Touré questions 9/11 Nostalgia on Dylan Ratigan

For many days now I have been screeching at the TV, "TODAY IS NOT THE 11TH!" It is still a day away and I have had way way too much of it. I wonder if this will be still going on the 12th. Hell that’s the big day now I hear. 912.    

And hey, isn’t about time we officially renamed the event as to what really caused it?

911 – What Evangelical Fundamentalist Religion gets us

As we jack up the vengeance factor every year, should we question the "what lives are worth" rate? THEY got 3000 of us, we got about 300,000 of them which cost us another 3000. That’s 50 to 1. Which I suppose is about right because we are all so friggin’ exceptional.

Doing the math. Cost of both wars at $1.5 trillion, divided by 300,000 dead Muslims, I come up with $500 million each.  I am overwhelmed with ZEROS, but time and again that’s what I get. Can that be right? Math person help!

The problem with the old line, "Oh you never ask questions, when God’s on your side," is it works for everyone.