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Unabashed Atheist Ron Reagan ad for Freedom From Religion Foundation

ron reagen atheistThe fruit falls not far from the tree.  Ron’s father Ronald Reagan seldom if ever attended church, appointed pro Choice Sandra Day O’Conner to the Supreme court and his mother Nancy was a strong believer in astrology.

Recent polling shows that 50% of Americans would not vote for an atheist, while ONLY 48% say they would not want their children to marry one and would rather have a drug user or a criminal in office than an Atheist.

Remember too the recent poll that said 46% of Americans believe “God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so.”

We tend to think the Chinese are atheists when in fact only about 40% of them are, and they are the most atheistic society, France which we also consider atheist is about 25% so.

What with gays being accepted by 60% of Americans it now leaves atheists as the most discriminated minority in America. Which is what the FFRF and the NEW ATHEISTS are working at. COME OUT OF THE CLOSET so the people will see atheists as sons, daughters, friends, parents, uncles and coworkers. There are many more atheists than one may think, for even in this day and age, especially where the okra grows, it is unwise to admit to it for the social, cultural and personal repercussions.