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Video: Ed Show, Limbaugh defends hot Republican babes

Raise the irony shields, the misogynistic pig who first coined the term ‘Feminazi’ is trying on a husky-sized Sir Gallahad suit of armour in order to ‘protect’ the "attractive" dames of the right wing from the slings and arrows of Democrats.

If you’ve recovered from laughter, the truth is that Limbaugh is drawing on his own unsavory background includes too many "sexitaries, Liberal info-babes, a White House Dog" and fat-thigh’ references for him to ever be credible in this role. The woman-hating pig of the right-wing is well aware of his babe-deflecting equipment, and strikes out frequently, demeaning women in general and women who have achieved positions of power to which he can never aspire.

As for the Women of the right, I’ve yet to see anyone take cheap shots at them, the most that has been done is to quote their own words… that is the most devastating "attack" tactic one need ever launch!