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video Epic FAILS: Eric Cantor, Limbaugh, and Hitler…three Stooges, Huckabee pretty as Palin?

More crazies! Rep. Eric Cantor of Ohio is exposed for the spineless hypocrite he is. Sadly, Limbaugh and Hitler play a larger part in the new offshoot of Republican politics daily. Will someone give Mike Huckabee a spa day? His self image is suffering so. Ooh..Sarah Palin, cause of Huckabee’s angst is a day late and – a dollar short on this particular God controversy!

Rep Eric Cantor R – OHypocrite o’ the day! Asked about radio entertainer, who once called himself a comedian to get around sticky things like facts. Cantor agrees that “Rush is a conservative voice for America.” Mind, Cantor has no problem agreeing to compare President Obama to Hitler, he simply doesn’t like the fuhrer’s name invoked, at least not when pressured and unprepared to respond in a less follower-like fashion.

Best Bitterness: Oh the humanity! Watch the video to hear the wailings of Mike Huckabee, obviously stung and suffering. One wonders if his dog even recognizes him these days from the pity party he’s throwing. Still, hope springs eternal,
and I have a feeling the 2012 race will seem that long as well. Despite the psychic tomatoes being thrown at him, Huckabee will be in the blocks, hoping
somehow to overcome Sarah Palin’s trance inducing beauty!

Palin Fail! Full head of steam and righteous indignation propelling her, Sarah Palin rose to defend God and money! Watch as she discovers she’s not only come too late to this controversy, but it was saved by…a Democrat – in 2007. Curses! Anyone who still believes their Republican Rep has read the full health bill might want to take a lesson from this much smaller oversight.