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Video: Fox News Peter Johnson says Muslims should give up Rights

Here’s an idea Pete! Why don’t you and that divisive Republican propaganda machine called Fox News give up just one part of your 1st Amendment rights. That second part of it that drones on about free speech. Because you know, shutting your nastyass hate filled yaps would greatly help this country – how did you put it – become more respectful of others, more neighborly, more comforting and more sensitive to our culture.

Nothing new in any of that for we all know that sensitivity and respect and comforting are the very essence of Fox News and the Republican Party. If you doubt that just tune in FOX News for a few minutes, or even better listen to talk radio for more than 30 seconds and all you will hear is Republicans reaching out to Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Muslims the poor…  Oh! And the respect they show for Liberals, Progressives and Democrats goes without saying!

Speaking of respect, comforting and sensitivity, this religious bigot begins his video by intoning the health problems of 911 responders and cleanup crews.

Remember the recent stink with Congressman Wiener versus Congressman King? That was came about over a Republican Amendment to loudly NOT INCLUDE any illegal immigrants from the legislation to fund medical care for these people suffering various health problems.

How sensitive! How Neighborly! How comforting it must be for Republicans to codify their bigotry to deny even health care to those who helped them out without proper papers.

So if you ever come across a Republican on the ground gasping for air, and you do not have the proper papers to prove to them you are a citizen of the United States, step over them and go about your business.

The bottom line in this Mosque business is that one way or another this country which was founded upon freedom of and from religion will find a way to deny one specific religion it’s 1st Amendment Rights. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. Next in line I would guess Jehovah’s Witnesses (no presents is unAmerican) and Pentecostals (Satan living in our upper digestive is tracks is just too silly).