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Video: Glenn Beck Rally Interviews

After watching this the old logic tree becomes clear.

Premise 1 – These are very very stupid people.

Premise 2 – These very very stupid people see the world only through the eyes of Fox News and Company.

Conclusion – Fox News and Company market specifically to very very stupid people.

So you see? Our nation is not split over red and blue, rural and urban, black and white or rich and poor… It is a split over smart and stupid. But if you are looking for a vote or selling a product or service you MUST keep your mouth shut or else.

I sometimes wonder if this could all be the fault of Plavix and company. Before all these life prolonging wonder drugs these stupid old bigots went on their way a lot sooner than they do these days. I also now understand why Sister Sarah gets her snatch in a snitch over the word "retard". Retard is her base.