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VIDEO: SNL Weekend Update, Obama Eats Repubicans in debate and iPad

Seth Meyers hits it home with President Obama in the hot seat at the Republicans bequest last week. It was like the GOP taking on Aquaman, in the water. Needless to say, the President did so well that the afterwords Republicans complained that cameras were allowed in the room while at the same time claiming Democrats are fascists for not allowing cameras in the room for Health Care debates. [btw the reason for the no cameras is that it does not serve the debate well with Republicans waving aborted fetuses or live babies(which Democrats want to kill) around their heads for the cameras]

Watching the iPad promotion by Steve Jobs I came away with seeing a gigantic iPhone without the phone part.

Though I do expect to see newspapers and magazines to soon be selling the iPad as part of subscription deals.

I have heard some complaints that the eReader part of the iPad fails as it is backlit rather than like the Kindle and Sony which use a non lite virtual ink system.

I have been using an eReader for a few hours every night for many years now. Though the branding has changed names several times, it is the same $100 backlit paperback sized machine as when I began. Being backlit is the main attraction for me. No light on in the dark bedroom to the complaints of the bed partner, and the light seconds as a very handy flashlight to get  to the bathroom if need by. So I have no interest in either the Kindle or the Sony.