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Video: The Rachel Maddow interview with Tea Party Nutcake Rand Paul

This morning even conservative Florida Pan Handle Republican morning show host Joe Scarborough looked into the camera to tell it like it is. "Dr Paul! The answer to the question, do you support the Civil Rights Act is… YES!" Rack
Jite allows racist Rand Paul fan have his say on Kick!

Republicans are in a mess on this one. They have a nutcake rogue on their hands headed for the Senate and nothing good can come from it for either Republicans, Democrats or the American people. This is the Senate where one nutcake can stop the nation.

Please try to take the time to watch this, father like son. All they have to do to deflect what extreme radicals they are is to amiably drone on and on with some pile of unrelated semantic drool, work in some endless over the top pseudo intellectual crap and revise the Civil War away to put the answers to all their right-wing swill into "let the states decide that!" The
Clown family of Ron Paul and Rand Paul are the Tea Party