I wanted to say “religious ritual” but “satanic” is a better search word for Google.
Well here again we have another national story coming just a mile North of here in Dumbutt, Texas. If 17 year old Jose Reyes had been an atheist this would not have happened. But sadly for 15 year old Corianne Cervantes, Jose Reyes was a true believer. About as true a believer as it gets in fact. But unlike Andrea Yates who drown her 5 children within just a few blocks of this event she wanted to defeat rather than join up with the Devil by killing her five children before he nabbed them and carted them off to Hell. God works in mysterious ways.
Of course this being Texas where gun ownership makes up our lack of education, this will mean a local push for more religion and stronger beliefs shoved own our throats in the public square. It’s only logical, rational and reasonable. After all, the more we accept the fact that the Devil goes door to door selling soul contracts the better off we are here in La La Land.
Also keep in mind all involved here were students from an “alternative school.” You know what that means. It is where they collect the bad kids from the regular schools to deposit all in one place. If you are a 15 year old girl who gets caught smoking or sassing a teacher off you go spend the next year in a room full of gangbangers, drug dealers, rapists and religious Satan worshipers.
My big question – which I am sure is on your mind also – is what did Jose Reyes get for selling his soul to the Devil? And what did his 16 year old accomplice expect to get for the sale of his soul? Not much it seems. But perhaps it was not something tangible, but that the Devil promised them life everlasting? People like that idea so much they will believe any pile of nasty crap that goes along with it.