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2nd most interesting man in the world

2nd most interesting man in the worldI never bought that the most interesting man in the world drank beer as beer happens to be the drink of choice for the most uninteresting men in the world, speaking of beer, reminds me of a true story…

I was at a beach at Isla Mujeres off the coast of Cancun on my first gringo Wintering of travel through Mexico.  Back then there were no snap tops littering the beaches as in Mexico most all beer [other than Tecate at the time] was sold in bottles, this was also well before the twist off cap. Back then beer in Mexican towns was controlled by one beer company or another, in this case it was Superior, not a very good beer. Even back then we often made travel plans to where we could find Corona.

It was late afternoon and my Aussie pals and I had been drinking lots of beer siting in those chairs you see on the Corona ads with a small tiki bar behind us a ways. We had little kid run for the beer for us for a few pesos.  Angus lost our opener somewhere in the sand near our pile of brown throw away Superior bottles and littered caps. As we frantically searched our delivery boy took notice and was saying, “Fondo! Fondo! Abierto fondo!” We knew “abeirto” but not “fondo,” so he finally pointed to the underside of one of the bottles.  I turned my unopened cold beer upside down and noticed a round indentation on the bottom of it. I took another unopened beer from Angus and stuck the top with cap of his beer into the indentation on the bottom of my beer twisted and wola. Not only did it open the beer but it firmly held the cap from littering the beach. It was one of the many great and grand borracho epiphanies of my life. Mexicans are geniuses. Which I still hold true today after my afternoon nap.