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Redneck Cooking in Republican base uniform

Redneck Cooking in Republican base uniformI am sure like me, that you too have come out of this primary season to realize how the Republican Base is so uniformly fashion conscious, for women loose fitting clothing adorned with flag apparel, and for men camo baseball caps – forward facing – also covered in flag apparel.  In this specific coleslaw case, the camo cap is missing but I suppose the “GUNS” on it makes up for the fashion fopah.

On a more serious matter, I know about a hundred of these guys and have learned what should be the real takeaway from this video. These guys are not evil, they just don’t know anything.  Hey, pickup trucks, guns and twist off beer bottle caps are simple things to figure out, and what more do you need?

And hey, don’t be putting down chicken fried steak covered in gravy – the top seller down at the Cracker Barrel.  It’s a great idea. Take a few hundred calories of pounded beef, cover it in a few more hundred calories of processed salt, flour and bread, drop it in a fryer full of lard adding another few hundred calories, and then covering it in a few hundred more calories of white gravy.  It’s a win, win, win, win for those who just don’t know anything. Oh, and add 1500 calories of Bud.

Though I do wish this about how to make white gravy rather than coleslaw. But I would guess it is fairly straight forward, get a pan, put it on the stove, and see how many calories it can hold.

THIS JUST IN!  Texas comes in 50th, leaving Mississippi behind in Education funding!  Here! Hear!  About time we beat those Spanish Moss eating jerks.