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Colbert: The Paul Ryan Christian Budget Plan

More on this serious matter from a Preist Thomas Reese

Remember as Christ said at the Sermon on the Mount, “The rich shall gain the kingdom of Heaven by owning your ass.”  And then later adding, “All rich men shall gain the Kingdom of heaven on a camel laden with needles and eyes of gold.”

An important point in all this is how well orchestrated the GOP is in spitting out this “trillions” in debt. There are two things being gamed in all that. Advanced nations pretty much work on a debt of about 50% of GNP. So whenever they push out a number cut it in half.  Secondly is gaming the time line, they can make it work for them by using numbers that reflect the next year or the next 20 years, depending on what makes their numbers look best. Both sides guilty of that.

The entiree debt and deficit problem can be solved simply by adopting a single payer health care system where EVERYONE pays a payroll tax for health care. [Social Security can be fixed in a day by adding a few years and rising the cap some]

A single payer system can be either private non profit like most places in the world, government run like Great Britain, or a hybrid of both. But it is the simple answer to solve the debt problem. And fast. Which no one of either party can even talk about without putting their job on the line.