This decision to let the Auto Industry go by most Americans and the vast majority of Republicans may become the worst decision in American history. It was not decided upon reason or facts or fairness or thinking it out, but on witty cartoons, smartass catch phrases and well turned sound bites. If ever there was a case of biting off ones’ nose to spite ones’ face or tossing out the baby with the bath water this is it.
The $30 billion bailout asked for by the Big Three to save as many as 4 million jobs over the next few months – keep in mind as many as 4 million people entering State unemployment compensation rolls shortly – was the same amount we spend every three months in Iraq. For nothing but blood, death and revenge. The bailout was a miniscule amount compared to what the Republicans gave their bankers. It would have cost each taxpayer about $80.
The Big Three automakers made the kind of cars Americans wanted to buy, pickup trucks and SUVs. There is no profit in a Pruis and so few are sold it doesn’t matter anyway. And now with gas under $2 a gallon, Americans no longer give a hoot in Hell about hybrids or gas milage. The Auto Industry is guilty of giving stupid people what they want.
As they did in the 2000 and 2004 elections, the American people are going to get just what they deserve.