Already, this form of REPUBLICANISM (political murder) is being defended by Republican radio talk show hosts. Though they stipulate, if true… If true? Was Liberace Gay???
The personal hatred screeching from the AM DIAL towards President Barack Obama in just 60 days has already surpassed the drooling visceral hatred it took them 6 years to generate toward Bill Clinton ending with their absurd impeachment proceedings.
They hate everything about our new President so much that it will be only a matter of time until one of them crosses the line to advocate assassination.
My guess is Glenn Beck will be first.
In print, Ann Coulter may do the same and lose her syndication. (Opps, I was just handed a note telling me that already happened a few years back and HUMANEVENTS.COM is the only place publishing her swill)
What with Rush Limbaugh’s move out of New York in protest to tax hikes on those making more than $500,000 a year, it may not be long before he threatens to leave America for a more conservative nation.
Which would be… That’s a tough one.
Cayman Islands I would guess.
[Oops, just got another note handed to me. Rush Limbaugh’s close neighbor also in a beachfront mansion in Palm Beach was Bernie Madoff. I wonder if they surfed together?]