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Dear Angry White Male (Mr. Von Brunn)

who fight so intensely against Affirmative Action belittle the slavery
and apartheid of the past while ignoring the racism of the present.

Hey, I been hearing an awful lot of moaning and groaning lately from
you guys about all the discrimination being heaped upon you. Being 34%
of the population and having control of only 75% of middle management,
80% of the House of Representatives, 90% of the Senate, 99% of the
Fortune 500 CEO’s and of course before 2009, 100% of the Presidents and Vice
Presidents in our history must be a real kick in the pants for y’all.
And that doesn’t even address the fact that Black Americans have double
the unemployment rate (quadruple the rate for young black males), half
the average yearly income and one fourth the net worth of White

Beware what’s coming now you poor misunderstood victims. What with all
one of their running the show, millions of black single mothers will with their
great resumes will soon be taking your jobs, adding even more pain to the
discrimination that has ruined the affirmative action you have enjoyed for… Hmmmm… thousands of years.

Not to worry! I have the answer to all your woes. Hop on down to your
local western wear shop, plop down $50 for a nice pair of those boots
with heavy duty pull straps on each side, and quite your yappin’ and
your whinin’ and PULL! Kick pages on Bigotry