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Bad Republican David Brooks on Talk Radio Hit List

The rise of Beck, Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and the rest has correlated almost perfectly with decline of the GOP. David Brooks, Right-wing Media Hosts have little effect on voters

Please always add the word AMERICAN when using the word GOVERNMENT… The American Government.

Also please use the word REPUBLICAN rather that right-wing or conservative. Republican Glenn Beck. Republican Wall Street, Republican Tea Baggers. The logic that because an individual or group adheres to only 99% of Republican ideology – or chooses to call themselves something other than Republican – is Republican crap.  

david brooksThough New York Times columnist David Brooks adheres to the natural business of Republican ideology of profit over people, he raises the hackles of the hard core for being too… Well after watching a town meeting or a Tea Bag party I suppose REASONABLE would be the correct word. Being reasonable is not the nature of either of the two groups that make up the GOP – intolerant religion and unregulated banking.

In a recent column by Brooks he explains that though the media plays into the Beckian and Limbaugian tea bagging the voters do not follow. That every Republican game Rush played regarding affecting actual voters has failed.

These nutcakes hold power only over a few Republican politicians afraid of their base, and a media even more afraid of offending an audience of pickup truck buyers who need insurance and also need to find out their credit rating before they go to the dealer. I wonder how many of these kind of people sing along with free credit report dot com without realizing the cost of so prolific an advertizing campaign cannot possibly be free. My guess is NONE.

Fox News is of course the model the rest of the cable news networks must follow follow as it has more viewers than the rest of them put together. Wow hey?

So this should be a great week to listen to Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck as they put this bad bad Republican at the top of their list over even a black president and black run political organizations.