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Bill Moyers and Howard Zinn nice People hoping for nice things

Bill Moyers Journal with Zinn

I watched the above Bill Moyer’s Journal last night and found how unusual it was to see two gentle souls discuss helping people along. So diametrically opposed to watching Fox News, listening to AM radio or just seeing the standard nasty hum of Republican politicians and pundits saturating the air, bandwidth and print with their wholesale intolerance, bigotry, greed, selfishness, hatred, guns, violence and roads to war. And to make things worse, American Christianity puts the pedal to the metal for in helping them take from the poor to give to the wealthy. Which in fact is the stated purpose of Christian Conservapedia.

This Sunday night at 7pm Central time, the History Channel will be airing an even more unusual show on television, The People Speak. Howard Zinn’s compilation of beautiful words from history spoken by prominent actors and actresses. unRepublican words that do not attack HOMOS or IMMIGRANTS or FOREIGNERS or promote the government to take rights away from people rather than dispense them. Which is what the GOP is most about, well other than their own back pocket politics.