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Whoopi Slams Lying Coulter: What Do YOU Know About Being Black?

Ann Coulter's racist tongue and pen cause uproar on The View, and heated dispute with Whoopi Goldberg
The Coultergeist of the poison pen visited The View to plug her latest tome, and met with resistance in her effort to “correct people,” oh puh-leeze!   In this edition of Coulter World,   “The O.J. Verdict was a good thing” and “President Obama has abandoned black Americans.

Furthermore, Liberals are racists who are behind the movement to suppress Black and Latino voters…A theory (or ‘fact’) which was dismissed by Joy Beharas well as Whoopi in what became a rather spirited debate.  Coulter likes to avoid the tedious fact-checking phase of writing,passing her opinions off as facts is great labor-saving device, and much more insidious than honesty.