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Water Boy Marco Rubio Republican SOTU Response: New boss the same as the old boss

marco rubio waterboy

Marco Rubio will be remembered for a cotton filled dry mouth, a sweating itchy forehead and going off camera to carry the same old water the Republicans have been drinking for a generation. Sadly it was much like the NEW GOP STAR Bobby Jindal from four years ago who did the rebuttal to President Obama's first SOTU, and came out looking like a creepy Mr Rogers.

There was nothing new at all from this new face and savior of the GOP. It was the same EVIL GOVERNMENT versus ANGELIC WEALTHY PEOPLE AND CORPORATION speech we have been hearing day in and day out since Ronald Reagan began this crap 35 years ago. To be more objective I can safely say that he responded to President Obama speech without ONE idea for fixing or changing any damn thing. Nothing but the same old anti government blather.

As to the Rand Paul Tea Party Response. Haven't heard a thing. I would guess it was pretty much the same as Rubio's speech but with the speaker wearing a clown nose.

Speaking of Tea Party Politics. Texas Tea Party Ted Cruz is living up to my expectations.  He was roundly slapped up side the head by John McCain and both Democrat and Republican Senators [except Senator Daniel Inhofe who defended him – Inhofe has been the top Senate Clown for a generation until Rand Paul was elected] for telling Vietnam combat hero Chuck Hagel that he was unpatriotic and in bed with Muslim terrorists.  Who knew Ted Cruz would be going off the deep end in this manner?

Didn't see or hear hide nor hair of Ted Nugent either. I guess he didn't kill anything or crap his pants in the Capital last night. Which is an improvement.
