Gold: George Will, I’m certain he is not averse to alternative energy sources. Windy George simply knows that drilling is less of a hazard for our oil soaked avian friends than wind, despite the findings of the American Bird Conservancy. I presume he will limit speaking engagements in light of his beliefs.
Silver: James E Glassman, managing dir. & senior economist of JP Morgan Chase should have won the Brass Balls award for a letter written to clients insulting the senate after the
Goldman-Sachs hearings, a move not unlike the hen-house fox dictating terms to farmer Brown.
Bronze Fox Analyst Charles Krauthammer: In this age of instant video replay, Krauthammer outs himself as a blatant liar convinced of his ability to warp time, space, and events occurring during the Bush Administration, or does anyone else recall the seven ‘Wonder Years’ free from attack?