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Video Olbermann Worst::President Gretchen Carlson Fox, Michael Steele in bondage, Monica Crowley advises President too

Gold: Gretchen Carlson of the Fox and Friends Morning Show. Yes, again..she earned it! Don’t take the light and friendly sounding name of the morning show lightly. As Carlson sits ramrod straight between her two bookend co-hosts, she declares,"This is what being president is all about!" Well, okay then. I will only refer to her with the greatest of gravitas. I – like so many was foolishly unaware of the responsibility of she who wears the mantle of Fox News morning babe, until she looked through the camera telling us what her work entails. She is there, on the
‘wall’ awaiting that big once a year story, where like the President, she is making the tough decisions, and there is no doubt that with her experience and training, she could walk into that Oval Office, order someone around…and keep up a nonsensical commentary without a hair out of place , none whatsoever.

Silver: RNC Chairman Michael Steele. So many things were just wrong about the RNC sponsored party at Voyeur West Hollywood, a lesbian bondage club. The buck stopped at the doorstep of RNC Chairman Michael Steele, and Kenneth McKay who
signed off on the party. The cruelest cut of all, was that neither Michael Steele, nor Kenneth McKay were invited. It also opened a Pandora’s Box of charges at expensive Beverly Hills hotels, and casino equipment rental companies. There’s a smooth landing for McKay despite the loss of his job. The right amount of cash will soften any fall, but no such luck for Steele who stays on, while the stack of McKay’s $100 grand in bills seem to be whispering – hush!

Bronze : Monica Crowley of Fox.. There is so much leadership and wisdom on Fox News today! We are extremely fortunate to have world class political leaders as talking heads! First Gretch tells the prez that a bubble headed ditz could and does in effect, do his job. Next, the pinch-faced Crowley reads him the riot act, as he apparently did not ask her advice in the sticky situation with General McChrystal. He won’t "blow it" the next time – if he seeks her advice. This is a "Huge Mistake" and so very much more. No need to ask her, she’ll tell