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Video: Tom Tancredo calls for Impeachment of President Obama too much for even Fox News

"It is a scary proposition to have a committed ideologue in the White House." Nutcake Tom Tancredo on Ronald Reagan. Who by the way, when confronted with the same immigration issue in 1987 as President Obama faces today, gave amnesty (Green Cards) to 4 million illegal immigrants.   

Tancredo calling the President a "Marxist" and saying he is "more dangerous than al Qaeda" was even too much for Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. Notice how a Fox News anchor boldly states she does not like anything about President Obama and is against all his polices. FOX NEWS DECIDES, YOU LISTEN.

You have to give Megyn Kelly credit here for debunking the outright LIE Trancedo says is the reason for calling for impeachment – Obama personally played politics with border security. Accepting it as a lie makes no difference to Tancredo who considers lies and truth all the same when it comes to his life work, like Lou Dobbs his personal War on Mexicans. From this same reasoning on border security there can be no doubt Tancredo called for W Bush’s impeachment too.

Also notice how similar his accusations about border security are to the Bush Administration’s lies about WMDs. It’s the same process, toss out a pile of crap you know to be crap and the Republican Base will spoon it up no matter true or not. As long as it results in vengeance, violence, mass arrests, tearing families apart, mass deportations and war to those LESS WHITE THAN they. Oops, sorry I forgot homos! All of which is what the basis of Christianity has become in America. The central clearing house for the promotion of intolerance, bigotry, vengeance, hate and war.

The answer to the immigration issue – to not only the likes of Tom Tancredo but the Republican Party as well – is to send BIG GOVERNMENT FEDERAL police crashing though doors to pull mothers from babies, fathers from children and put them in family prisons (concentration camps), and then onto trains (or buses) back to where they came from. To the tune of 13 million times. This is what it is ALL ABOUT. Concentration camps for families and the subsequent deportation of 13 million men, women and children. Again, it is the Christian thing to do.

So far ICE has put the entire American Hispanic population into a state of fear with less than 100,000 rounded up over the past 3 years since Republicans declared war on them.

Doing the math we find that to get all 13 million of these maids, lettuce pickers and lawnboys  these "jack booted thugs" will have to keep up their present rate of busting down doors and putting families in prisons for the next 400 years. Or increase BIG GOVERNMENT FEDERAL POLICE by a factor of 400X. Which would be literally a million new Gestapo agents on our streets calling for papers. LESS GOVERNMENT MY ASS!

The good news is that Tom Tancredo is now threatening to run as a third party candidate for Governor of Colorado unless both GOP candidates drop out before Monday, tomorrow.  Tancredo warns McInnis, Maes to quit GOP governor’s race or he’ll run