Gold: Scott Walker, GOP Candidate for Wisconsin wowed ’em with a 68 page Job Plan! Every grade school child who has ever been busted for writing too large in an effort to fill an assigned page will be in awe of the skill, the audacity, and the utter lameness employed by Walker. If elected Governor, I shudder to think of his impact on the budget for paper supplies
in the State Capitol.
Silver: Steve Doocy and Fox News take the biscuit! Sadly this is a typical example of their daily creative editing in which you’ll see President Obama’s message regarding tax cuts for the wealthy spin 180 degrees in the Fox editing room. Check Fox on any other day and you will see the same choppy edits of the truth conveniently turned to lies.
Bronze: Man Wanted for Robbery: Green hair, looks as though it came from a Salad Shooter. While this description fits the mythological Green Man, whose likeness is often found
presiding over gardens and such; British detectives in Hampshire aren’t nearly as amused by this technical glitch as I am. ; )