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Colbert, Fox News makes stuff up, War on Xmas silliness

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Blitzkrieg on Grinchitude – Gretchen Carlson & Christian Nation CHRIST-mas Tree<a>
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> March to Keep Fear Alive

Fox News makes their money on a biased and unbalanced audience who love to hear made up stuff. There is no evolution, there is no climate change and Christmas has been all but destroyed by teachers, schools, universities, writers, artists and most anyone smarter than pea gravel. What Fox News does compliments what Sarah Palin does. Plays to the base ignorance of the majority of Americans.

"My positions are not at all controversial. The majority of Americans agree with me across the board on issues." Sarah Palin

That Sarah Palin quote of the month I believe to be correct. As such she can not only win the White House in 2012 (the RNC will hold their nose in support over a African born socialist) but she is just what we deserve. Someone who reflects our collective intellect. Like Dan Quayle, George W. Bush, Dan Inhofe and Joe the Plumber.