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Christmas Presents from Obama, Auth


This political cartoon by Tony Auth lacks the other side. Most of that came only because Republicans were so happy about getting big tax breaks – 10s of thousands of dollars in most cases and hundreds and millions in others – for their wealthy sponsors. Who will create jobs for personal secretaries and trainers. Oh, and injection molders in the yacht business.

The reality is that even though these 2% of Americans do not need nor deserve any tax cuts at all – which accomplishes nothing other than adding to the debt – it doesn’t add up to doodlysquat in the great scheme of things. The answer to our woes which few will admit is a matter of needing more revenues rather than cutting food for children, education, infrastructure and so on.

I don’t have the math handy but I would guess that if we added a 10% to 20% surcharge on all the taxes paid by the lower 98% we would be out of debt in a year and things would be popping! It would pass with solid Republican support as long as we reduced taxes on the 2% even more in the same bill. And we could use all the extra money for the Neo Con invasions of Pakistan, Syria and Iran! It’s a win win win win WIN!