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Jon Stewart, Fox News War on Health Care semantics

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cTonal
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Well we now have a far more civil "blood libel" political culture, but the Republicans by using the term "job-killing" to describe their repeal of Health Care reform when it actually creates jobs, they have a long way to go in the "honesty" area of debate.

Sure Democrats fell into the trap on this by fighting to change the political correctness of the word "killing" rather than changing it to "job-creating" as it should be. Of course the Republicans will not budge on either issue. Do you see the Tuscon problem here? Changing to more civil discourse is the single most successful political dynamic conservatives have had in a generation. Political Correctness. Now add to that Republicans second most important winning game,  the use of hateful and violent rhetoric to instill fear.

So Republicans are going to give up their two biggest offensive plays? Ya think? The civility issue will be dead the day after the State of the Union speech when the GOP will lock and load!