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Stephen Colbert becomes Keith Olbermann

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cStephen
Rejects Keith Olbermann’s Power
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That Keith Olbermann is gone and Glenn Beck is not, reflects not only upon for profit cable news, but also of our present day politics. Remember, FOX NEWS which is the most unfair and unbalanced source of news ever conceived – and the voice of the Republican Party – has more viewers than all the other cable news networks combined. It is what we must endure in accepting unregulated free market capitalism. It is WHY the Right is so consumed by it. If everything is about money then they win everything. And in American even Jesus has been realigned from being an advocate for the poor to being an advocate for the wealthy. Which is responsible for more Americans losing their faith than any other single factor.