It’s the news of the day! Fox News, talk radio, Libertarians and Republicans are now distancing themselves from patriot Cliven Bundy for his racist views. Cliven Bundy an armed anti-government patriot a racist? Who would have guessed?
But you know, the view that African Americans were better off picking cotton before the federal government forced the individual states to reject slavery and segregation is not anything out of the ordinary, what is out of the ordinary is expressing that view in front of cameras or microphones.
The guy across the street has told me the same thing time and again. He had to go on Prosac the first time Obama got elected and now is also on Xanax since he got reelected. Even my old college friends from Wisconsin email me the same crap ever since Obama took office. I hear it in private conversation in Texas all the time. It fills comment areas and forums on the Internet. It’s what the majority of white people in the South think and say among themselves and what most white people anywhere that’s covered in wheat, corn and manure believe.
The problem is in the great unsaid rule of journalism. That we are not allowed to say what we believe other people are thinking. We cannot know the hearts of others. BULLCRAP. Ever listen to Rush Limbaugh? My God, most of the daily three hours the bigoted lardass spends is telling us what Rush Limbaugh believes liberals think. How they hate America and hate God, and above all hate Rush Limbaugh. So Rush is at least right 33% of the time…