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Bernie Sanders 2016! Daily Show

Bernie Sanders runs for President, Daily showBernie Sanders has tossed his hat in the ring and is going to give Hillary Clinton a run for the money, well as soon as he finds a billion dollars somewhere or another. We should expect to see him soon on both the Daily Show and Bill Maher.

Bernie is more right about more things than anyone running for president in either party though there a few little things that do not help.

First of all he proudly calls himself a “socialist” and you know how that goes out in the Heartland. Secondly is Jewish and boldly irreligious and thirdly he is against the death penalty which is not acceptable in this the most Christian nation in the world.

Those three things alone make him unelectable yet alone his policies of raising taxes for social programs, a $12 minimum wage,  a debt free college education for all who want it, spending a trillion dollars on our infrastructure, his serious dislike for the Koch Brothers oligarchy and of course a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizen’s United to take money out of the election process. Oh and he is pro abortion, pro gay marriage and pro gun control. What’s not to like?

The purpose of his running is to get all these issues – that are the right things to do – out in the open for discussion which Hillary cannot do. She has to play the game with the cards she is dealt. She has to pander and nuance to the nitwits to win the presidency while Bernie can just tell it is. Hopefully he can push her in the right direction on a few issues with out doing damage. I just hope to Hell he doesn’t get mad and run as an independent leaving us with President Cruz.