41% of Americans and 71% of Evangelical Christians believe we are living in the End Times which they will witness in their life time, coincidentally that is about the same numbers that deny Global Warming, now there is some heavy duty NON sense. So many sheep so little time.
The entire world, including conservative parties, Muslims, Hindus, all of Africa and children over five accept Global Warming is real and created by humans EXCEPT for the American Republican Party. What’s with that?
A few Republicans do accept a seasonal warming but like Rush Limbaugh blame it on volcanoes. A few other Republicans accept that there is human cause and effect but it is exaggerated by smart people who everyone hates. Hey, reporters and journalists go to college and are considered smart, and they are the most hated group in America. Well other than congress who most all went to college.
Smart people got no reason
Smart people got no reason
Smart people got no reason
To live
They got great big brains
And little dicks
They run around
Acting like dickheads
They got their noses in the air
Lying through their teeth
With degrees on the wall
And sandals on their smarty pants little feet
Well, I don’t want no smart people
Don’t want no smart people
Don’t want no smart people
`Round here