A Glock to ‘Get Out the Vote’ isn’t unseemly to Mike Shaw and the Arizona GOP. New York Rep Nan Hayworth directs her storm tossed constituents to eat mud, not cake, and tourist Lucien Chenier leaves his mark.
Gold: Mike Shaw, on his second day in a row as Worst Person, he simply doesn’t get it! Apparently a "Get Out The Vote" raffle for the GOP assumes that the prize is a gun. Call me slow, but the connection between the gun raffle and voting is lost on me. Asked if it isn’t a bit insensitive to raffle off the ‘nearly’ exact Glock as the one which Jared Loughner used 8 months ago, Shaw is full of justifications, many of them wrong. Nowhere does he address if it is the right thing to do morally, responsibly, or ethically. Mike Shaw and his fellow GOP buddies are completely lacking in decency, conscience, and knowledge of the Constitution they claim. They are not the good guys, these are the brainless clowns that the founding dads set this government up to protect us from.
Silver: Nan Hayworth, Rep.for NY 19th Congressional district. She may be in office by their good graces, but she certainly isn’t of the people in her district who are suffering! Naturally, Nan cannot relate to their little money problems, and the natural disaster which has left many without sewer, water, electricity and even homes – would not dare to pummel on her door. Asked about FEMA money, Hayworth’s Eric Cantor – like answer was absurd but for her callousness. As if asked for a group trip to Disneyland, rather than essential services, she sagely advised them to budget for such extravagances. Nanny may never hold office again, but she’s a cinch for lead in the Marie Antoinette Pageant.
Bronze: Lucien Chenier of Ottowa, Ontario visited the Grand Canyon. So taken was he with the grandeur, that Chenier was inspired to leave a mark for the ages, for his children and possibly grandchildren to see – not to mention thousands of others who go there each year, but are not remotely related. Not only did he leave his mark, but was given a completely unexpected stay at the Graybar Hotel, where the scenery isn’t so hot, but it is always the surprising local hotels and eateries which make for lasting vacation memories.