“Obamacare is worse than slavery, for under slavery if you liked your slaves you could keep them,” Dr Ken Carson who had a better answer to that than Dr Ben Carson who explained that it is the people who should be telling us what to do and not the government, so much for Social Security, Medicare and the police. I also liked Dr Ben’s answer to what is best about Donald Trump, that as a billionaire lobbyist he is not beholding to billionaire lobbyists. Polls show that silly conundrum is what most voters say they like best about The Donald, but don’t kid yourself, it’s mostly that these people have finally got someone who has taken the angry selfish bigotry of Rush Limbaugh and talk radio, and by adding a bit of violence, elevated it to presidential contender. I also take notice of all the reasons they like Donald Trump, BECAUSE HE CAN WIN is not one of them.