The visceral hatred Uncle Juan has expressed for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Cornel West go back many many years. PBS should have fired him many many years ago. QUIETLY! He belongs with Fox News though… He and Billy Kristol make a fine pair of Toadies.
I have to make a correction to an article I wrote a few weeks ago on Herman Cain’s 9 9 9 plan.
I said the first 9 represented a reduction in Capital Gains taxes from 15% to 9%. I was wrong. The first 9 is a reduction of corporate taxes from 33% to 9%. A reduction for the wealthy of 60%. Capital Gains taxes would be reduced to zero, or a reduction of 100%.
Personal income taxes on the wealthy would be reduced from 34% to 9%. A reduction for the wealthy of 60%. It also increases taxes on the poor and working poor by 100%. And of course the last 9 represents a 9% national sales tax on food, medicine, gas is also a 100% increase to sales taxes for the poor, working poor and middle class.
The entire plan not only reduces taxes on the wealthy by over 80%, increases the taxes on everyone else a lot, but also eliminates Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps and unemployment comp.
As such Herman Cain, white or black, is the true face of evil in our politics today. Leading and beloved by economic Republicans and as an unabashed intolerant religious bigot, leading and beloved by the Republican Base. President Cain!
Liberal toadie Juan Williams likes Herman Cain a lot. Uncle Juan claims race is not a factor and should be ignored. If that is the case then what could it possibly be that attracts the liberal Uncle Juan to Herman Cain? Gosh… But you know, in Republican Land hypocrisy matters not at all. PBS! Hire him back and fire him again!