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Don Imus calls Newt Gingrich a fat, repulsive pig

“He’s a fat, repulsive pig! I hate to be so harsh. You go out in the woods and find a piece of old, dead wood, you lift it up and underneath there’s a bunch of bugs crawling around and white stuff…that’s Newt Gingrich.”

“Gingrich is like an arsonist who torches the building without supposing that the flames could consume his own bedroom.” Prophetic Jim Wright after Newt did him in circa 1989.

Dear Newt,

I recently listened to your speech to an assembly of Governors. You spat out two short phrases repeatedly. “WE WILL NOT TOLERATE… ENDOWED BY GOD… WE WILL NOT TOLERATE… ENDOWED BY GOD… WE WILL NOT TOLERATE…”

What is this “God” crap Newt? Have you been endowed by Jesus Christ to cause as much grief as you can dish out to as many women, children, elderly, homeless and jobless as you and he can get your hands on? Newt, you are proof there is no God, for if there were, you would have become a little pile of ashes on the ground long ago. In particular what’s with this intolerance business? You specifically connect it to drug use and welfare? We already have the most draconian drug laws and pay out less in welfare than anywhere in the industrialized world.

This takes me back to your Labor Day 1995 comment when you were promoting executing up to 35 drug dealers all at once. Are you and your friend Jesus now America’s voice for mass executions, you evil little weasel.

But the meat of your speech concerned a horrific crime in Illinois. A Black female nurse cut open a White woman to steal her Black baby and then killed her two other children. This of course you blamed upon liberals, welfare, the drug culture, situational ethics, TV talk shows, Democrats and Lyndon Johnson for Christ sake! The spurious flaw in this example of your Newtonian illogic is that it seems the victim, not the perpetrator was on welfare and drugs. I wonder if you will stay true to form and also blame the liberal Victorian Monarchy of England for Jack the Ripper, blame the Holocaust on the Nazi welfare state, or tell us that becoming a paid Republican activist as Ted Bundy did leads one to become a serial murderer?

One would think you would have learned a lesson when last year you laid the blame for Susan Smith killing her children at the feet of Liberal Democrats. A few days after the act it was found that her stepfather; a God-fearing, conservative Republican member of the Christian Coalition had been porking Susan from the time she was seventeen right up to the week she went off her rocker.

And even that aside, I want to know what happened to the very public face of the conservative theology? If individuals are responsible for their our actions, then what the Hell are you yapping about?

Your pal, Rack Jite