Seth Meyers takes a closer look at the Trump administration openly lying on it’s first full day in office, utilizing “alternate facts.”
Much as Trump adopted his idol Richard Nixon’s motto; “It’s not illegal if the President does it,” Trump has gone one further, It’s not a lie if the Trump administration says it. it’s an ‘alternative fact.’ Kellyanne Conway will send Sean Spicer out to utter provable and obvious falsehoods until he finds a better job at Burger King, or another form of respectable work.
What issue is so important to Trump that he would lie on his first historic day in office? Size, of course! If Trump seemed sensitive about his little raccoon-size hands, he went ballistic about the photos showing people thronging the Washington Mall to catch a glimpse of the new President…Four years ago. Photos from eight years ago make him turn the shade of an exceedingly large,ripe tomato too.If the sparse inauguration crowds were disappointing, reports of the millions of people marching for human rights, women’s rights, climate change and Trump’s reign, did nothing to improve the dictator’s humor.
Seth sums up why Trump’s tiny lies are hugely important:
“Small lies inoculate us against bigger lies. It may be crowd size today but much bigger decisions will come when reality will matter. The only way to protest these lies will be organized resistance like we just saw – and if that doesn’t work there’s always this…I’ve got CANDY!” This will make sense when you see Al Roker very nearly get Mike Pence to leave the parade to talk with him, and have a chocolate buttercream.