Actors speaking out against Republican policy issues is nothing new, what is new is it is no longer outliers like Marlon Brando or Cher, but for the foreseeable future, it will be most all of them with something to say. So many in fact that Trump Nation can’t not feel the vibes watching most any TV show anymore, other than limiting their TV time to Fox News exclusively.
But hey, less TV time means more time at the range for Trump Nation. With Trump as their president both the “who to shoot” and where to shoot them is now resolved.
In the head and in your driveway.
For if you live in one of the 34 red states, and can lure a Muslim, a Mexican, an Immigrant, an African American, a foreigner, a libtard or a Hollywood celebrity onto your property you can shoot the legally for the cost of only one well aimed headshot bullet.
What I find most uplifting about this uproar over a Muslim ban – from these seven countries that have not had any terrorists kill anyone here – is that this is an issue that only adversely affects a very very tiny percentage of people and most of the world is protesting. If this is any indication of things to come when the issues affect the majority of people, we may soon be in a constant state of street protests. Leading to Martial Law and a coup. That’s the answer. Impeachment only gives us Pence who puts religious intolerance above all else. And you know, it really does not matter the WHO OF THE COUP because anyone anywhere would be better than what we got there now.
Remember, Trump Nation is only 27% of the electorate and even less of the population. How will they combat this new reality or protest?
Crowd size is what drives President Donald, perhaps as women, celebrities, reporters and scientists take him to the breaking point he will call on his Trump Nation to put on their flag uniforms and come to Washington for the biggest flag rally since Nuremberg.